Buzz Lightyear Hat

I just got an order for one of these cuties today and I realized that I hadn’t posted the pattern yet.  It was ordered for a head sized 17″ so those are the instructions I’ll post.  It’s very easy to size up though.  I’m still trying to use a majority of Hobby Lobby yarn even though it’s not as easy to get there in Pittsburgh as it was in So Cal.

Yarn:  Less than 1 skein each of Hobby Lobby I Love This Yarn in Grape, White, Jelly Bean, Fire Red, Royal,  and Yellow.

Size H Hook

Hat –

Round 1 – With Grape, Start 8 hdc in a Magic Circle, join with a sl st to 1st hdc (8)

Round 2 – Ch 2, 2 hdc in each stitch around, join with a sl st to 1st hdc (16)

Round 3 – Ch 2, *2 hdc in 1st stitch, 1 hdc in next stitch* 8 times, join with a sl st to 1st hdc (24)

Round 4 – Ch 2, *2 hdc in 1st stitch, 2 hdc* 8 times, join with a sl st to 1st hdc (32)

Round 5 – Ch 2, *2 hdc in 1st stitch, 3 hdc* 8 times, join with a sl st to 1st hdc (40)

Round 6 – Ch 2, *2 hdc in 1st stitch, 4 hdc* 8 times, join with a sl st to 1st hdc (48)

Round 7-9 – Ch 2,  hdc in each stitch around, join with a sl st to 1st hdc (48)

Round 10 – Ch 2, hdc in each stitch around, switch yarn to White, join with a sl st to 1st hdc (48)

Round 11 – Ch 1, sc in each stitch around, switch yarn to Jelly Bean, join with a sl st to 1st sc (48)

Round 12 – Ch 2, hdc in each stitch around, join with a sl st to 1st hdc (48)

Rounds 13-17 – Ch 2, hdc in each stitch around, switch to White, join with a sl st to 1st hdc (48)

Round 18 – Ch 1, sc in each stitch around, join with a sl st to 1st sc.  Tie off. (48)

Sew in all tails, making sure to secure the magic ring.


Buzz’s Buttons – 

Make 3, one of each Grape, Jelly Bean and Fire Red:

Ch 5, hdc in 3rd ch from hook, 2 hdc.  Tie off leaving a long tail for sewing.


In RoyalBuzz Lightyear Incomplete Blue Shield

Ch 6, sc in 2nd ch from hook, 4 sc, turn (5)

Ch 1, sc 2 tog, sc, sc 2 tog, turn (3)

Ch 1, sc 3 tog.  Tie off (1)


In White:fullsizeoutput_1733

Sc in each stitch around the Royal piece making 3 sc in each corner.

Tie off leaving a long tail for sewing.



In Yellow: Buzz Lightyear Yellow

Ch 9, hdc in 3rd ch, 7 hdc.

Tie off leaving a long tail for sewing.



In Fire Red:fullsizeoutput_1732

Ch 3, 10 hdc in 1st ch, join with a sl st to 1st hdc.

Tie off leaving a long tail for sewing.


Assembly – fullsizeoutput_172e

I pin everything onto the hat before I start sewing.  Whenever I don’t do it, it all comes out uneven.  Remember that you are manipulating the shapes when you sew.  The buttons on the left have a more rounded top.  The yellow button is a sharper rectangle.



You can also manipulate the size by changing up your hook size.  These 2 were done with the same number of stitches.  The larger was with an H hook and the smaller was with a G hook.



To Infinity and Beyond!